Friday, December 26, 2008

2008 Year End Celebration

Every year JAARS celebrates the Bibles that have been completed during the year with a “Year End Celebration”. The photos above display some of the Bibles. We thought it would be interesting to publish the list for you to view (below). It is humbling to look at the Word of God in many different heart languages. What an accomplishment on the part of many dedicated to the work of Bible translation. We are honored and humbled to use our skills to support this great task.

We have met several translators and language consultants that have been a part of these translations. We hear the stories of people changed by hearing the Word of God in their heart language for the first time. Then we hear the gradual transformation that takes place in an entire culture as they learn to apply the Scriptures in daily life. These translations could not take place without the JAARS Center and its support work for Wycliffe.

In any given book there is usually a list of people who contributed a great part to its publication. You probably skip this part but if you’re the type who reads ‘cover to cover’ no doubt you’ve read through the list. The author also adds another clause that thanks “many that could not be named”. The author will say, "without all these people the book could not have been written". The same is true for Bible translation. When you read through the list of Bibles below, if the translator could give a list of names to thank, your name would be there.

We can never express enough thanks to all who support us in this work. Your prayers, encouraging words, and financial gifts made this possible. We hope the list serves as a reminder that you made a difference; you made it possible for many people to have the Word of God in their heart language for the first time, for now and generations to come. This is not just about Mike and Kathy Smith. This is about you, partnering with us, to complete the work of Bible translation.

May you be blessed this coming year.
Mike & Kathy Smith

List of New Testaments, Bibles and scripture portions translated during fiscal year 2008
Note: This is just a partial list. These are representative of the 70+ that were published and dedicated this year.
Mofu-Gudur – Cameroon – New Testament
Farefare – Ghana -- Entire Bible
Moba / Ben – Togo – New Testament

Kaxinawa – Brazil – NT
Cakchiquel sur Central – Guatemala – NT
Ixil de Nebaj – Guatemala – NT
Mixteco Tezoatlan – Mexico – NT
Zapateco de Rincon – Mexico – NT
Ticunna – Peru – OT Selections
Ma’heonemoxe’estooo – Cheyenne – USA – NT

Kupang – Indonesia – NT
Isnag – Philippines – NT with Genesis and Exodus
Kagayanen – Philippines – NT and Genesis
Tboli – Philippines – Bible

Kriol – Australia – Bible
Auhelewa – Papua New Guinea – NT
Ipili – Papua New Guinea –NT
Kuman – Papua New Guinea – NT
Ramoaaina – Papua New Guinea – NT
Tabo, Fly River – Papua New Guinea – NT
Natqgu – Solomon Islands – NT, Ruth and Psalms
Pijin – Solomon Islands – BibleWala – Solomon Islands – NT
North Tanna – Vanuatu -- NT