Saturday, October 18, 2008

WE PRESS ON...............

Greetings everyone,

As we move forward with challenge and blessing at JAARS, many of you prayed for more staff in the auto shop. We have been blessed with some answers. Jim Patterson arrived at JAARS after serving a number of years in the Philippines and Columbia, South America. It was determined that he would fill the role as an office manager. With Jim answering the phones, scheduling, and processing the paperwork, Mike has been able to devote more of his time to training those serving here at JAARS and those headed overseas. Jim occasionally is able to assist Mike in the shop as well.

Jim and Mary Alice Patterson

If ever there was a great partner for Mike it would be Jim. They balance each other in many ways and share the same vision for Bible translators’ land transportation needs. Both are passionate in their work and quality standards. As big as their work load is, they still find time to share a few laughs and have some fun.

Jim and Mike

Another answer to prayer brought us Bryan Frye, a graduate of diesel school. Bryan spent a good deal of this year tutoring under Mike’s supervision. Working side by side with Mike, he completed preparation for his first overseas assignment in Papua New Guinea. He and his wife are now in Papua New Guinea, serving at the SIL Center there.Brian Frey

Brian and Susan Frey. Susan is a translator, serving in Papua New Guinea as a language consultant.

Recently Mike completed a technical evaluation of another person who will be joining Wycliffe. He too will be required to spend a time of training at the auto shop just as Bryan did.

Several years ago another young man worked with Mike at the shop, early in our arrival here. Josh Mills felt the call to serve missions in the role of mechanic. Josh has completed auto mechanic school and is beginning his application with Wycliffe. We will write about him in another update but his journey will result in providing another qualified mechanic to serve in Bible translation.

This training has a dual purpose. It meets the needs of Wycliffe members to have reliable transportation during their assignments here. Second, it allows a graduate mechanic to receive further training in the specific skills needed to function in an overseas environment.

A recent challenge for Mike and the guys. Oil + Antifreeze = This Stuff

With Bryan and Jim both arriving, the JAARS Automotive Department has been extremely busy this entire year. Since Bryan left, things have not slowed down. We are thankful that Jim will be here long term. He and our son, Sean, help Mike keep things going. Sean combines college at a local community college with his work at JAARS. Sean shows great mechanical ability like Mike. He has chosen Computer Science as his major. But who knows? Perhaps he will end up combining both to serve in missions.

As we all know, the global economy is in a muddle right now. But we know God is our ultimate provider and will be faithful to His work. To our financial supporters, we say a big thank you for your faithfulness during this time of economic uncertainty. May the Lord bless you with the peace that comes from knowing that He is your provider as you share your generosity with us.

To our prayer partners, we thank you. As you can see God is answering your prayers. Qualified mechanics are so needed and God has given us the ability to prepare them for overseas service. Pray that God will bring us more. Continue to pray for our physical strength and spiritual strength, to keep our eyes focused on Christ and rest in Him with His peace that passes all understanding.

Serving together,

Mike & Kathy