Monday, June 6, 2011

Thank You's

We certainly don't ask for it but we are blessed to have missionaries express appreciation in many ways for the work done on their cars. Sometimes it's with baked goods or a gift card to a restaurant or a real nice thank you card or letter. We even received a beautiful hand-written colorful thank you from the children of one family.

The baked goods are consumed and the restaurant gift cards are gone. But we did take the time to type up some of the letters received recently. We thought it would be nice to share a few with you. Many of you are the reason we are able to serve our missionaries. Through your prayers and financial gifts we are able to use our skills to keep many of our missionaries on the road.

We hope you will be blessed in reading these. After all, they are to you as well!

Dear Auto Shop Mechanics,
You have certainly been a blessing to me. You have fixed my Chevy van many times since I began living near JAARS in 2005 after being a Bible translator in PNG (Papua New Guinea) for 43 years. I don't have to worry about my van because I know it is in real good hands with you. God bless you and give you strength and joy as you serve Him by keeping many of us safely on the road for Christ.
Thank you in Jesus' Name,
Helen Marten

Bless y’all, bless y’all.
You have bailed the Barkey family out of deep waters the last few weeks.
Ron Barkey

Thanks for your commitment to our Lord as you continue to serve Him by enabling us to come and go where He has assigned us to travel.
Sharing in HIS Care,
Evelyn Davis 

We have great admiration and thanks for all that your team does down there.  I do a reasonable amount of maintenance on my cars myself, but without your expertise, advise, knowledge and help I could not do the amount I do. You have helped many times when I have been in other parts of the world to keep the vehicles going. 
Blessings to the team,
Daryl and Marlene Bussert – Director and Assistant Aviation Safety – JAARS Inc.

Ever since Jan and I arrived at JAARS in 1997, the Auto Shop has been a tremendous blessing to us.  Since we drive Ford products, Mike Smith’s experience with the idiosyncrasies of Crown Vic’s, Grand Marquis’s, and Mustangs has been invaluable to us.  Mike has bailed us out of many jams, and saved us lots of money in the process!  Blessings on Mike and the other Auto Shop guys, indeed!
Mike Rogers

Thanks Mike, Greg, Don, and Andy for your commitment to Bible translation, JAARS and individual missionaries(member, volunteer and employee) in helping to keep our vehicles running efficiently and safely. You are all very gifted individuals and the Lord is using that giftedness to help advance His kingdom on earth------bringing His Good News to those who have never heard it in their own heart language before.
Have a blessed day and year in the Lord,
Phil  for the McBride’s, JAARS and “Wycliffe”

I hope this shows many of you how real and tangible your partnership with us is. We can't overemphasize this enough. You are, indeed, a vital part of Bible translation. Our thanks goes out to you.

Be blessed,

Mike & Kathy

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