Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 2010


We have been here going on 7 years!

Soon after we arrived it was evident more help was needed. So we prayed. We’ve had mechanics who came to volunteer on a temporary basis, missionaries on furlough, and new missionaries training for an overseas assignment.

We are happy to report that we now have a full time mechanic who has joined Wycliffe and will be assigned to the JAARS Center.

We met Phil and Jeanette Heinecke after they responded to the need posted on the JAARS website. Phil performed very well during Mike’s technical evaluation. They have been accepted as members and are currently raising their financial support. They have four children and we have enjoyed getting to know them as we have written letters on their behalf.


In January, 26 people arrived at JAARS to attend Intercultural Communications Class (ICC). This is the pre-field training that all Wycliffe members attend prior to going to their assignments. Mike taught four wheel drive maintenance to a group of those.
These also attended the four wheel driving course, which takes place on the rugged trails behind the JAARS Center.
With the help of our son, Sean, and a couply of temporary volunteers, the JAARS Auto Shop continued to repair many vehicles of our very mobile population at JAARS. Many repairs are accomplished in the shop, on the parking lot, and on the phone, both U.S. and overseas.
-->Mike (foreground, facing class) teaching a group from ICC

Our son, Sean

Vision 2025
The vision of Wycliffe Bible Translators is to reach the last language groups on earth with the words of eternal life, the Word of God in their own language--a vision that can be shared by every Christian--by the year 2025. For the Gospel to reach "the ends of the earth," provision must be made for its physical advance. Our role is to find more efficient ways to transport the people and materials associated with Bible translation, literacy work, and language development.
Currently Mike is teaching another maintenance course to a new group of missionaries. His responsibilities at JAARS are comprehensive. Nearly everyone involved in Bible translation has to use some form of land transportation whether in the U.S. or overseas. The JAARS Auto Shop continues to meet this need. But we need more help.

Continue to pray for more mechanics to join us. The position is listed on the JAARS website. Better yet, have them call us. We stand ready to help any who would be interested.

For some of the tangible ways God has used us in Bible translation click or copy and paste the following links:

As always, thanks to many of you who partner with us in prayer and finances.
We greatly appreciate you!

Mike & Kathy
The following are photos from the JAARS Auto Shop and the work of Wycliffe around the world. We hope you enjoy them!

Transportation Challenges

Mike training overseas
Translations in progress

The Word of God taught

The Word of God joyfully received